Đi tìm ý nghĩa tên gọi dự án Phú Mỹ Hưng L’Arcade

Discover the meaning behind the name Phu My Hung L’Arcade

On May 25, 2024, Phu My Hung Corp. unveiled an extraordinary real estate project, unprecedented in the 31-year history of the developer’s urban developments. This project, named Phu My Hung L’Arcade, immediately captured the attention of the national real estate community.

In less than a month, on June 15, during the sales announcement event for Phu My Hung L’Arcade, the developer swiftly received numerous orders from the business community.

Many entrepreneurs cited the developer’s renowned reputation and the project’s unique advantages such as its prime CBD location in the southern, low-rise design, and dual-purpose spaces for living and business extending from the ground floor to the fifth or sixth floors, etc. as key reasons for their investment. These features not only provide convenience for business operations, work, and enjoying a high-quality living space in the city center but also form the foundation for a valuable, sustainable asset with limitless growth potential in the future.

Phu My Hung L’Arcade stands out particularly due to its unique name, derived from the project’s design concept. The project’s exterior draws inspiration from the timeless elegance of classical arcades – arches that found in renowned structures worldwide, such as the Colosseum in Rome, Italy, and the Louis Vuitton Boutique in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, Milan, Italy.

However, instead of adhering strictly to traditional rounded arch architecture, the architects from P&T Group (Hong Kong) modernized the “arcade” concept with flat arches to optimize creative space. They incorporated smart lighting systems and premium materials to preserve the timeless appeal of the arcade while delivering a refined, contemporary aesthetic to the project.

Phú Mỹ Hưng L’Arcade do P&T Group đảm nhiệm thiết kế, quy hoạch dưới sự chủ trì của trúc sư Edgar Eduard Cozzio – Giám Đốc Thiết Kế P&T Group.

“Mỗi dự án của chúng tôi thể hiện niềm đam mê và sự tâm huyết trong việc kiến tạo những công trình chất lượng. L’Arcade được ví như một “bộ sưu tập” tinh tế với từng căn hộ được chăm chút tỉ mỉ đến từ chi tiết”, đại diện P&T Group chia sẻ.

 “Each of our projects reflects our passion and dedication to creating high-quality structures. L’Arcade is likened to an exquisite collection, with each apartment meticulously crafted in detail,” shared a P&T Group representative.

From its inception until its recent unveiling at the end of May, the team of architects and project designers have collaborated with the developer for over 1,000 days.

Founded in 1868 in Hong Kong, P&T Group (Planer & Turner) is considered one of the oldest planning and design firms globally, with over 155 years of experience. In 2024, P&T Group was ranked 35th in the prestigious World Architectures WA100 2024 list.

Architect Edgar Eduard Cozzio, the project lead for Phu My Hung L’Arcade, is currently the Design Director of P&T Group and a member of the Swiss Association of Engineers and Architects (SIA – Swiss), as well as the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA ARB-UK).