107 Riverpark Residence Apartments sold within 90 minutes

107 Riverpark Residence Apartments sold within 90 minutes

After the success of the 1st phase launching of Riverpark Residence apartments on Jul. 12th, 2007 with 100% units sold, Phu My Hung Corp. continued to start selling the 2nd phase with 107 apartments on Aug. 2nd, 2009 at the Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center.

Customers had been introduced all the project information before being invited to come to the sales event and had to take the draw for the order to select the desired unit. Within 90 minutes from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., all 107 apartments at the average price of VND 45 million per square meter were sold.

Thus, the whole luxury apartment project with a total of 247 units was launched and sold out within one month. The project, designed by the Germany-based Axel Korn Architectur Company, will be started construction in the 3rd quarter of this year and expectedly completed in the first quarter and the fourth quarter of 2011.

6 banks in total of 16 banks that associated with Phu My Hung in providing home-buying loans also came for direct finance consultation to customers. They are BIDV Bank, Vietcombank — Saigon South branch, Tien Phong Bank, VIB Bank, Vietinbank – Saigon South branch and An Binh Bank.