Happy Valley condos at Phu My Hung capture foreigners’ attention

Happy Valley condos at Phu My Hung capture foreigners’ attention

Happy Valley condos at Phu My Hung capture foreigners’ attention

As Vietnam increases its global integration, more and more foreigners are coming to live and work in Ho Chi Minh City, with a growing demand for decent accommodation.

Many of the foreigners in Ho Chi Minh City have chosen to stay in Phu My Hung because this urban area in the southern part of the city has been well-planned to provide a green environment and world-class services for economic, educational, medical, shopping and recreational activities.

Phu My Hung Corp. is launching a program of selling condos to foreigners. Ownership of apartments will financially be beneficial to foreign individuals and foreign-invested companies that meet the house-purchasing regulations.

For instance, some individuals want to rent apartments or their companies rent condos as accommodation for its staff, yet it would be more economical to buy condos than rent them and spend monthly rentals. For foreign-invested companies, the purchase of Phu My Hung’s apartments for their employees’ accommodation is considered as an effective way to preserve the company’s capital. Since Phu My Hung’s condos are easy to buy, to lease or re-sell.

For foreigners who have not met the requirements to buy residential houses as regulated, the long-term lease program at Phu My Hung provides an optimal option. The lease program allows foreign individuals or foreign-invested companies to sign lease contracts to use the apartments at Phu My Hung from now until 2043. And during this lease period, Phu My Hung can provide procedure assistance for switching from leasing to purchasing if the lessees meet the regulations for buying a residential house in Vietnam and want to buy the condo.

At Phu My Hung, there is a wide range of apartments for foreigners to choose, including ready-for-handover apartments at Riverside Residence, Riverpark Residence, Canh Vien 3, Sky Garden etc. and under-construction apartments at Star Hill and Happy Valley.

The newly-announced Happy Valley condos are currently attracting lot of customers’ attention thanks to its unique location which is opposite to South Saigon Golf Course and a scenic river. After the first successful launch in March, the corporation will launch the second phase on the 25thof May, 2013.

Phu My Hung Real Estate Transaction Office

(+8428) 5411-8888; (+8424) 3936-2640; www.phumyhung.vn